dandelion falldown

Friday 22 April 2011

Gotong Royong at Rekemas 3 Park on 22-04-2011

OC: Lns Loh Say Moi

Lions & Lionesses gathered at Rekemas 3 Park to clean the park & children playground.

Ln Alex & Lioness President How Lee Lee

Lions president Ln Bon Kewi & Lioness president How Lee Lee

Clubs members have a group photo with Lions President Bon Kewi

Protecting the Environment - Tree Planting on 22-04-2011

OC: Ln Lew Kok Hin
and Lns Loh Say Moi

In conjunction with the Earth Day, Lions & Lioness Clubs members gathered to plant Kayu Manis trees at Taman Rekemas 3 Park to save the earth.